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Results 1 - 6 of 6 for rhinoplastyph

    The implant should be “personalized.” In other words, every patient should have his own implant. One implant will not fit every patient. Prefabricated implants were either produced by a factory or prepared by a technician who did not see the patient at all. The Plastic Surgeon of the patient should be the one to prepare the implant of the patient. He did the evaluation, he knows the desire of the patient hence he is the best person to prepare the implant to be used. The nasal cast is only a guide, the overall evaluation and desire of the patient should be considered as well. Follow us @:

  • Nerve Blocks for the Nose

    The best way to make the Augmentation Rhinoplasty experience as pleasant as possi-ble for both patient and surgeon is to make the procedure as PAINLESS as possible. This can be achieved simply by using peripheral Nerve Blocks. Follow us @:

  • Noselift Rhinoplasty - The Plan

    To achieve excellent results, avoid compli-cations and have satisfied patients, careful plan-ning prior to performing the Rhinoplasty proce-dure must be given utmost importance. Always begin by understanding what the patient wants. Listen and take note of what they have envisioned and advise them what can or cannot be realistically achieved. Next, examine the native anatomy of the patient’s nose. Take note of the nasofacial parameters discussed in the previous chapter. Inform the patient of your findings and the eventual surgical plan. Follow us @:

  • Goretex Implant Preparation

    A blank Goretex block will serve as the starting point of the implant. An unshaped implant is preferred as this allows maximum freedom in crafting a custom implant. The silicone implant is placed beside the Goretex block. It’s profile iis then traced with a pencil Follow us @:

  • Technique for Nasal Augmentation with Goretex

    What follows will be the senior author’s preferred technique for Augmentation Rhino-plasty with ePTFE. There are a few points that need to be pointed out. First is that it is still preferred to create an implant custom made for the native anatomy of each patient. Hence, it is still recommended to create a nasal cast and to carve from a raw block of implant material rather than use pre-formed materials Follow us @:

  • Surface Anatomy and Nasofacial Analysis

    To evaluate the aesthetics of the nose, we begin by establishing a reproducible orientation for examining the head. We do this by placing the patient in standard posi-tion based on the Frankfurt Horizontal line The Frankfurt Horizontal is an im-aginary segment drawn from the superior aspect of the external auditory meatus to the inferior aspect of the orbital rim. The head should be positioned so that this line lies parallel to the ground. The nose is then examined in relation to the entire face. Divide the face into thirds with horizontal reference points at the level of the hairline, the brow, nasal base and chin. Ideally, the height of the forehead (hairline to brow) should equal the height of the nose (brow to base of the nose) and the distance from the base of the nose to the chin Follow us @:

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