Unverified Sellers / Suppliers / Manufacturers are accounts that has not been verified by pwedepa.ph and/or its third party partners.

In the Philippines the governement requires three permitts for a business to operate. First is the registration at the SEC or Securities and Exchange commission for Corporations and DTI or Department of Trade and Industry. Second is the Barangay Permit and Mayors Permitt and last is the Registration at the BIR or Bureau of Internal Revenue for tax purposes.

Trade Safe Complaiant is a badge adwarded to a suppler or vendor to ensure buyers purchases. These are suppliers or vendors who agrees to comply with the Trade Safe Complaint Contract. It is an agreement that ensures or protects a buyer from purchases made through the mayari.com.ph online store. Seller or vendor agrees to strictly comply with the buyers purchase requests such as product quantity, quality, delivery time and date . Seller agrees to return buyers payment if found in fault. Also, Seller or vendor agrees that mayari.com.ph will have the sole responsibility to determine who is at fault.